bosssukhumvit33, Nuru massage, Erotic massage Bangkok, Happy Hour massage, Luxury private massage


bosssukhumvit33, Nuru massage, Erotic massage Bangkok, Happy Hour massage, Luxury private massage

Does massage help circulation

Massage can improve blood circulation in the body. Massage is a touch that acts on various tissues. of the body using hands or equipment by various movements of the massage will cause blood vessels to compress. This will help increase blood flow in that area. In addition, massage helps relax the muscles. This will help reduce muscle contraction. Makes blood flow more easily

From the research study it was found that Massage can help increase blood circulation in the area being directly massaged. and in the vicinity One study found that Massaging the soles of your feet for 15 minutes can increase blood flow to the kidneys. Another study found that A 30-minute Swedish massage can increase blood flow to your arms and legs.


Massage can help improve blood circulation in several ways:

  • Vasoconstriction: Massage movements such as rolling, acupressure, slapping, tapping, or hot compresses. It’s all about constricting blood vessels. This will help increase blood flow in that area.
  • Muscle relaxation: Massage can help relax muscles. This will help reduce muscle contraction. Makes blood flow more easily
  • Stimulating the nervous system: Massage can stimulate the nervous system. This results in the contraction and expansion of blood vessels. Makes blood flow better


Massage can help improve blood circulation in a variety of ways. And has many health benefits, such as helping relieve muscle aches and pains. Helps relieve stress. Helps stimulate the immune system And helps prevent diseases such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

However, massage should only be performed by a trained professional. In order to achieve safety and get the best results.